Friday, 30 October 2009

Jamboree Pendang MTB

Satu lagi jamboree muncul dlam jangka waktu terdekat...
kepada geng2 uratketing, yang berminat bolehlah kita bincang utk hantar penyertaan ke tidak...
info lanjut boleh lawat kat alamat  dibawah:

Poster jamboree Pendang.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Perancangan seterusnya.

Perancangan yang akan datang, geng2 urat keting adalah menakluki Gunung jerai. Tarikh akan dibincangkan dan akan ditetapkan. Ala2 tenggok anak bulan itu...... seketika ni training naik tokkun hill udara cukup utk kayuh ke atas. Jadi kepada ahli2 urat keting jenggok2 lah cuti-cuti mana ade kot2 buleh buat dalm jangka waktu terdekat...baru sempoi....

Gambaran dari satelite....InsayAllah akan ke jejak ke atas sana.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Kembalinya jaguh 60-an

Isnin 26 Okt. 09
Ibarat bulan jatuh ke riba, Kapal selam muncul di muara, taming sari muncul dimuara kota melaka...itulah kata2 yang mampu diucapkan oleh ahli uratketing. Pada petang isnin baru-baru ini, tiba-tiba muncul bro murad dengan basikalnya yang telah lama terperap.Hampir menjadikan susana gamat dan hiba, apabila bro murad dengan basikal putihnya muncul untuk membuat kayuhan semula "comeback" .  Sempat memberikan satu pos azimat, untuk tatapan peminat. Dikhabarkan anak kelahiran Junjung ini, memang hebat dalam arena basikal dulu-dulu, tapi disebabkan tenaganya amat diperlukan kat bendang maka terpaksalah melupakan hasrat tersebut. Suatu ketika dulu beliau adalah juara dalam acara kayuh basikal sambil kedua-dua tangan diangkat ke atas, melalui laluan bendang.. (hero tu dulu bro...pakai gerek lama, galang atas, brake besi mcm taring gajah). Kalu budak2 naik mesti pungkok kene sengget dok celah galang tersebut.  Walaubagaimanapun kualiti kayuhan masih belum hilang, kelajuan kepantasan selekoh masih belum mampu dicabar oleh pencabar terdekat Bro Rizal Susanto dan Bro MadNoq Singerey.

Bro Murad Polkadot..pos istimewa, beraksi dengan kayuhan sebelah kaki.
Bravo Bro Murad..........phewwwwwitttttt....

Gear Components

Mountain Bike Gear Shifting System Components

This to give you an idea what happens technically if you shift gears;

Chain Rings - bolted into the cranks.
 It come in three size ranges.
  1. big ring (48-42 teeth),
  2. middle ring (36-32 teeth), 
  3. small or "granny ring" (26-20 teeth).
The "sprockets" or "cogs" - found in the rear hub.
  • Modern sprockets consist of  7-9 size ranges from 36-11 teeth.
  • Normally, the 7 & 9 speed sprockets have the same heavy and light gear.
  • The difference is in the mid-range gears.
  • The 9-speed sprocket has more mid-range speed which lessens the change in speed upon up or down shift.

Rear derailleur Components

Crank Components


Monday, 26 October 2009

Berbakti mengharap keredhaan ALLAH

Ahad 25 Okt. 09.
Sempena berakhirnya bulan uratketing berjaya melaksanakan perancangan yang telah dibuat pada bulan ramadhan dulu. Sebeleum ini pihak uratketing telah merancang untuk  membina laluan motorsikal yang menghala ke Masjid. Laluan ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan para jemaah melalui kawasan berlopak meghala ke parking motor dalam masjid. Hasil daripada kutipan dan sumbangan tenaga serta bantuan khariah masjid, laluan ini dapat disiapkan (terima kasih kepada Pakmat dan beberapa orang yang lain , nama tak berapa ingat ). Projek ini juga dibantu oleh Pak Jefri (tukang simen) untuk menyirat simen bagi nampak cantik. Sehubungan itu juga, geng2 urat keting mengambil kesempatan ini untuk membersihkan kawan sekitar masjid. Sumbangan ini bukan berkehendakkan nama tapi ikhlas. Cuma dalam blog ni saje berkongsi dengan group MTB lain, kalau berkelapangan mungkin xtvt in boleh dijadikan satu agenda untuk dibincang. Sambil2 beriadah, bersosial, berkenalan, mungkin ada terselit gerakan hati untuk memberikan sumbangan kepada rumah Allah. semoga kerja-kerja amal ini mendapat keredhaan Allah.

Sessi awal...Bro Aan dan Anip. membuat laluan..Bro aan bhgian teroka laluan cekap..

Ahli jawatankuasa masjid. Pak Mad dan rakan2

Tu diaaa....juruukur bahan, dah star pegang cangkul....

Hebat Bro Yem nge Bro Zul bagain mencangkul kongsi gelap kene hukum keje kemasyarakatan tuu

waaaa...tarik Bro..

Bro Aan menunjukan kegagahan dia...angkat baling je..

Eikk..belum ape2 dah gagau ayer......

Rest 5 minit...apa lagi gas beracun la jawapnye...

eik melawak lak...OTAI urat keting

Tetiba je muncul gerek klasik....Orang berpengalaman kayuh gerek

Masing dok try bancuh simen....

Yang ni lagi terror....ingat kene tukar nama lo..kepada nama sukiman atau wagiman baru ada gaya indon....

Bro yem dok buat demo camana nak bancuh simen...dulu kerja sbgai kepala kontrek.. biasa potong pagar je....teknik muda2 dulu masa pecoh pagar sekolah pi beli rokok, lo ni tunjukk skill la...

Sambil2 orang buat laluan, anak sape pulak ni mandi dalam kolah masjid, jaga2 air tu dalam,
 lemas kalu sapae nak angkat..

Akhirnya keja hampir penghujung, jalan dak nak siap....uhhh

Sambil2 tu jugak ada yang dok bakar kawasan, nasib baik tak terbakar masjid, kalu tak jagelah......

Akirnya laluan dah siap...dan insyaALLAH, harap boleh lama dan sesuai digunakan.
Setelah kepenatan...tersandar sat...Baju biru tu bakal imam masjid untuk sembanyang asar..

Setelah selesai...berehat sementar, pekena kuih maruku sponsor by Abang Li BTM

Haaaa....semua kepenatan,

Terakhir saje buat chop uratketing....kenangan semoga jadi satu kata2 azimat untuk ahli uratketing rajin mengunjungi rumah ALLAH

Cubaan ke-2

Sabtu 24 Okt 2009....
Cubaan kedua menakluki bukit tokkun.....kali ni aku bet nge geng2 urat keting. sesape uleh naik tanpa renti, makan ape limit. tapi air cap rimau rileks bawah pokok pinang tak boleh ..harammmm bro. Setelah cubaan pertama dulu ramai yang terpaksa berhenti-henti paling kurang pun 4 kali...akhirnya baru sampai. Dengaq2 camtu masing2 bawak bekal ubat tenaga, ada telan panadol, ada makan teh tarik tu dia.., ada bekal jagong, dan mcm2 lagi. aku sendiri bekal kurma (cam lance armstrong)..Aku tabik kat Bro Joe fisher, bawak bekal roti (bahasa peneng)..tapi sebenarnya biskut Hwa Tai bergula. katanya gula tu bagi tenaga. Perjalanan tu bermula agak lewat sikit lebih kurang pukul 11, alasan takut perjalanan terganggu (tp sebenornya sume dok pujuk rang rumah...ada pi pasar dulu, ada bawak rang umah p pasar..dan mcm2 lagi). Tepat pukul 11, kami bergerak ke kaki bukit tokkun, dan sampai disana lebih kurang 11.30 pg. Apa lagi..masing2 dgn teknik tersendiri stretching, takut cramp. Kali ni Bro Jo fisher, buat kejutan bawak anoknya..joe fisher jr. uuuuhhhhhh kalu tak dapat naik mampus ooooo...malu brooo. Anak dia ni dah naik sampai puncak. Tekanan buat Bro Zul Armstrong, Bro cikgu Lan Masseuer, dan Bro Ann Nexus. Rombongan seramai 6 orang memulakan cabaran tersebut. Awal permulaan dah rase cam nak cramp...takut bro, takut tak lepas sekali kayuh...Bro Cikgu Lan Masseur mendahului yang lain, diikuti Bro Aan Nexus...steady naik cam takde ape2. Bro Joe rileks sambil menenangkan mental.Bro Zul Armstrong..mengerut muka takut takdapat mengalahkan Bro Aan....

Bro Joe Fisher Jr..sdg mencuba gerek...turbo ke supercharged
Bro. Zul Armstrong renyeh..sembunyikan kerisauan

Masuk je selekoh kedua..aku rasa pinggang dah cam nak patah (padahal malam free..tak kayuh).standby tenaga utk pagi.....tensiooonnnnn, akhirnya aku mengalah, rest 5 minit, sambung balik.....depa gelak..tenggok, takpa. Berkecai harapan nak pekena nasi beriyani kambing nge air bandung susu lebih. sampai je selekoh ke 4, haaaaaa...aku tenggok Bro Zul dah cam nak pitam....muka dah tukaq jadik biru..ala2 incredible hulk...aku dengaq mulut beristigfar bro.....Udah la brooo...bawok2 berehat leeee....nanti buasir baru tau ......akhirnya yahoooooo.......mengalah jugak...... Selekoh seterusnya, Bro Cikgu Lan nge Bro Ann baguihhh   ok sandar kat pokok, bro aan siap hisap rokok lo.....heeeee, Cubaan kedua gagal untk kayuh tanpa henti ke puncak. Walaubagaimanapun Bro Joe Fisher berjaya mengayuh ke puncak tanpa renti...wa tabik bro...Oleh kerana bermurah hati, Bro jo belanja kami semua minum....tq  bro jo.

Luka kesan jatuh semasa downhill....sapu minyak cap kapak je, bagi sejuk dan berangin

Nasib tak berapa baik pada hari tu, walaupun bro Joe Jr berjaya sampai ke atas, tapi semasa downhill, satu accident kecil berlaku...tayar gerek tergelincir dalam alur air ditepi track (offtrack), Beliau terjatuh, Allhamdullillah, luka yang dialami tak teruk dan kategori luka2 kecil. Lepas tu terus hantar ke klinik dan dirawat sebagai pesakit luar..... Akhirnya semua sampai ke atas puncak, dan berjaya menawan bukit tokkun. Target seterusnya...untuk memeperbaiki masa catatan dan kualiti kayuhan..

Persiapan awal dikaki bukit tokkun...pakai no 6.konon nye Roberto Carlos la,..

Bro Cikgu Lan...dok bincang strategi nge orang kuat tokkun..Bro hadi dan Bro Cikgu Mail. belakng nung Bro Aan dok curik-curik dengar

Haaaa...terkendong bro.....nk hisap rokok pun tangan terketaq-ketaq..

Malu bro.....Jo Jr..sampai hampir sama dgn kami sume...masing2 tutup muka malu nak bergambor

Joe Fisher Jr...menghampiri summit....potong Bro Aan...

yeargggg...sampai jugak akhirnye...walaupun separuh nyawa.....

Control penat......buat2 menghayati menara....

Tuuuu dia...sampai2 je keluar balik roti arab sarapan tadi woooo...tanya nama tak jawab ooo

Akhirnya sume selamat sampai...Bro Joe dgn bangganya hisap rokok, Bro Zul dan terkulai layu...Cikgu nk bercakap pun dah tak keluar suara......

Terpadamlah nama Bro Hakim pada pokok pinang itu.....Bro hakim, hang mesti mental tenggok nama hang telah dipotong oleh kami

Friday, 23 October 2009

Setting Proper Pedaling Bike Seat Height

Question1 :

What Should My Bike Seat Height Be?

Setting proper bike seat height for your size is an important part of every bike setup. Proper seat height adjustment helps ensure joint health, pedaling efficiency, and comfort while riding your bike.

It helps to know where your body likes to be while pedaling and to use this position when you pedal for any significant period of time on any bike.

Position of seat


To find the right seat height position you need to sit on your bike with your feet on the pedals.
Position one pedal at the very bottom of it's stroke.
Your seat height should be adjusted so that in this position your knee is bent at around a 25 to 30 degree angle.

It is important to note that this applies to pedaling situations only. There are a lot of situations on a mountain bike that you should have a lower seat position for safety as well as improved agility.

I always use a seat post quick release so I can adjust my seat height according to the riding conditions. It is helpful to mark the seat post where it enters the frame at the positions you like to use for quicker adjustment.

Take a moment before each ride to think about the trail and where you might want to set your seat height, and don't be afraid to adjust it while you ride.

Kenda Mtb Tires – A trusted Name In The Mtb Tire Manufacturers

Mountain bike riding has always fascinated many people owing to the unlimited fun it offers to the people. It is really thrilling to ride in the middle of rocky terrain and hills. The other thing which has induced many people to take up to mountain bike riding is the health benefits it offers to the riders.
People who ride mountain bike have reported an increase in their stamina, less of back pain, well developed thighs and muscles. It is a unique combo package of both adventure and health.

Hutchinson Toro Marathon XC 26″ x 2.15″ MTB Tires Set

Hutchinson Toro Marathon XC 26″ x 2.15″ MTB Tires Set

But one thing you must be really careful about mountain bike riding is its tires.
The terrain where you are to ride the bike determines the type and size of the mtb bike tires. You can ride bike either in the dry sandy and rocky place or on the paved roads or pavements. The two terrains must be kept in consideration before you actually set out to buy the mountain bike tires.

On rocky, dry and dusty path: it is advisable to use knobby mountain bike tires.
They offer excellent grip and dig well in the mud and loose soil. The tread pattern on these tires provides rolling resistance increasing the contact area. Also it offers good grip while climbing the mountains, reducing the chances of accidents. The knobby tires work wonders on mud, snow and logs. These tires generally come in fat sizes like 29 inches (662 meters).

On paved roads: for paved roads or smooth paths slick mountain bike tires should be used.
They offer little rolling resistance and high air pressure, which makes your riding experience quite enjoyable and safe. The little rolling resistance helps you gain good speed. The width of the tire is generally, between 1-1.5 inches.

The other size which is very commonly used in mountain bike tires is 26 inches rim size mtb tires. They have been used since a very long time and most old mountain bikes feature 26mtb tires. They are durable and safe as they have large contact area and thus better grip. They don’t sink in the sand and offers comfy bike riding experience.

There is a good amount of competition among the manufacturers of the mountain bike tires. Kenda mountain bike tires manufacturer has been in the business for quite a while. They offer quality and durable mountain bike tires. These tires are made after constant feedback from some great mountain bike riders. This makes Kenda mtb tires one of the leading brands.

Along with the right type of tyre the correct air pressure in it is also a very important factor in mountain biking.
  • If the pressure in the tyre is right it will give you better control and smooth ride.
  • If you will keep the pressure high it will result in loss of control and uneven bumpy ride whereas low pressure will result in difficult riding and greater chances of puncture.
  • Thus it is very essential to keep the pressure correct without it being too high or too low.
You can also go for the tubeless tires as these have less chances of being getting punctured though they run on low pressure.
Thus different riders may find different pressure suitable for them which are also decided on the basis of the terrain in which they are biking.

So to get the real joy from mountain biking do keep in mind that it is much more than paddling as it involves proper selection of bikes, its tyres, air pressure and many other factors.

Lawatan Ukhwah

Allhamdullilah dengan keizinanNya, dapat jugak ahli uratketing meluangkan masa untuk melawat ustaz Ramley, sambil beramah mesra sempena keberangkatan beliau ke Tanah Suci. Amat membanggakan kerana susana pertemuan itu penuh dengan ukhwah dan semangat kesetiakawan. Lawatan itu disertai seramai 10 orang ahli. Walaupun dalam penuh kesibukan, Ustaz Ramley sempat meluangkan masa sebentar untuk bertukar-tukar pandangan dan nasihat. Sekali  dapat ke majlis seperti ni, terasa kecilnya diri ni. Ku tanam azam dalam diri moga2 dapat sampai ke Tanah Suci Mekah.Terima kasih juga kepada Isteri Ustaz kerana sempat jugak menghidangkan air dan biskut jagung (orang peneng kata-roti bodo). Kami mengucapkan selamat bertolak ke Tanah Suci dan selamat pulang semula. Kami berharap agar didoakan didepan Kaabah supaya diberikan kesejahteraan, keamanan dan dijuahkan dari dibolak-balik kan hati. Moga2 dapat digunakan Rahmat Allh untuk beribadat kepadaNya.....Wassalam

Bro Rahim...bersalam semut dengan Ustaz Ramley.....

Bro Rizal Susanto dok kat luar je......emosi terganggu, sedih dengan suasana..bgtau nak hisap rokok, rope-ropenye..air mata keluar.....itu lah dikatakan ukhwah yang cukup erat.

Beramah mesra dengan ustaz ramley..sambil menjamu roti (biskut).

Didaokan semoga ustaz mendapat keredhaan Allah dan Haji mabrur.
dan juga selamat pergi dan balik

Is nexus mountain bike good?

there's a nexus hardtail bike with zoom suspension, sram SX4 grip shift, sram SX 4 rear derailure, shimano alivio front derailuer, 27 speed, disc brake. all at RM1100. is it good?

It's not a mountain bike, it is an all terrain bike. This means it is for on road and off road riding up to rain rutted roads and baby head sized rocks.

Nexus Excalibur

The Zoom fork is intended for medium and high frequency bumps. This means that it is suited best on stone paved roads and obstructions that don't exceed 1" high. Despite the disc brake, the drivetrain is light duty and can easily be smashed to bits on rough terrain... regarding the brake, discs don't automatically make the bike a mountain bike.

Second is the Grip Shift. Lets say you are bouncing down a trail with your hand (naturally) on the shifter. You suddenly feel the urge to hop a log so you pull up on the handlebars, and ::click:: accidentally shift as you go over. This is a draggg.

All this being said it is probably a good bike for beating around, but definitely not for going off cliffs or fording streams. Source(s): 27 years in the industry

Probably OK for riding around. I wouldn't race it or anything.

It would be ok. I would suggest a bike from more well known brands. Spend as much as you can on a bike. If that is the most you can spend i might look into a specialized hardrock or hardrock xc a little more money but a better bike.

its not trust me!! One of the best companies in tha bycing industry are: Iron horse, Raleigh, and orbea.

Even tough these babies are expensive they are worth it!!!!

They are in mid RM680 its cheap!!! trust me!!!!

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Questions in you head


SRAM or Shimano? - Is One Drivetrain Better Than Another?

Both Shimano and SRAM have been making front and rear derailleurs, chains, shifters, and cassettes for some time now. You can find both systems on different bikes at just about any shop, but really should you choose a bike based on the drivetrain brand?


Both SRAM and Shimano drivetrain system work quite well. It is clear you can adjust both systems to work reliably and consistently.

Both systems also have comparable product levels with X-0, X-9, X-7 and so forth for SRAM and XTR, XT, LX and on down for Shimano.

There are little compatibility issues between any bike and any drivetrain system. However, in the past, I have recommended SRAM rear derailleurs for FSR style suspension frames to avoid some annoying knock issues. Some new Shimano derailleurs (2008 models) have fixed this issue.

There is however no compatibility between the SRAM 1:1 shifting system and the Shimano 2:1 system. You can't use SRAM 1:1 shifters with Shimano derailleurs, and you cannot use SRAM 1:1 derailleurs with Shimano shifters.

SRAM X9- Rear Deraulier

I have to admit I am a slightly bigger fan of the SRAM system. It all started with the FSR suspension issue mentioned above, but I have also found that I like the 1:1 system. It is slightly less susceptible to cable stretch issues, and I find it a little easier to adjust for the first time and to keep adjusted over the long term.

Shimano Deore Rear Deraulier

In reality, after years of development, both systems are quite good and I wouldn't let the shifter/drivetrain question decide what bike you should get unless you prefer the way one feels over the other.

Question 2:

Should I Get Disc Brakes or Rim Brakes? - What System Will Weigh More


There are two quick and dirty answers to the disc brake or rim brake question:


If you want better, more consistent brake performance in all conditions and don't really care if it weighs a little more or costs a little more, choose disc brakes over rim brakes.


if you want the lightest set-up you can have, and are willing to accept small variances in brake performance, or if a low price is really important, choose rim brakes over disc brakes.

Shimano V-brake

In a little more detail. Mountain bike rim brakes have gone through several design changes over the years. They started with the original cantilever brakes, went through the dark U-Brake years, and are now known as V-Brakes. V-Brakes work well in most conditions.

Rim brakes have some drawbacks. They require straight un-damaged rims to perform their best. Rim brakes perform poorly in wet or muddy conditions. Over time, Rim brakes can wear right through the side of your rim literally causing the side of the rim to blow off (I've seen this happen and its not pretty.).

Disc brakes have been around for a long time in cars but weren't seriously used on bikes until the mid to late 90's. There were definitely some issues with some of the earlier models but the disc brakes of today, cable actuated or hydraulic, perform quite well.

Shimano Disc brake

The performance of disc brakes is considerably better than rim brakes. Especially in wet or muddy conditions. Disc brakes usually require less force to apply and aren't effected by rim/wheel condition.

The biggest downside to disc brakes is the added weight. By the time you add everything in, including front and rear brakes and the added weight of the disc specific hubs, you end up with around 150 to 350 grams additional weight to the whole bike. This weight number greatly depends on the wheels, rims, hubs, and disc brake system you choose.

Cost is certainly an issue as well. Disk brake systems are usually more expensive compared to rim brakes. Mechanical or cable actuated disc brakes are a closer match but will still cost a little more. Hydraulic disc brake systems can cost significantly more.

To switch from one system to the other you will in most cases not only have to buy the new set of brakes but you will have to buy a new wheelset as well. Disc rims usually cannot be used with rim brakes and the standard hubs that are used with rim brake wheels usually cannot be used with discs.

The trend in the industry is certainly towards discs and the technology is improving every year.

Personally, I will never go back to rim brakes on my own bike. For me, the consistent performance and non-rim-dependent nature of discs is well worth the added weight.

Basikal baru Joe Fisher

Basikal ni aku rasa cam basikal yang joe baru beli.
Mungkin perbandingan harga boleh dibuat, berdasarkan kepada harga terkini dari salah sebuah kedai kat senawang. Kalu kat penang tak sure lak..

Dalam kes Joe...beruntung Bro. dapat rega sempoi dan components 90% baik. Tuan yang jual basikal termenung sampai cam nak nanggis.
Sorry lah Bro..yang jual basikal tu, kadang2 terpaksa melepaskan walaupun barang tu kita sayang...

2009-Merida Matts 40-MD

RM 1980
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